Welcome to our references section where you can see some of the amazing productions we've proudly created! We're pride to showcase the projects we've completed for our satisfied customers, highlighting the unique vision and creativity we bring to every collaboration. Browse through our references to see how we can help bring your musical ideas to life!

World Athletics Championships - Hungarian Symphony
Customer: Government of Hungary
Goal: have a special concert show as the main act of the closing event of the hospitality weekend for the special guests of the World Athletics Championships Budapest
Brief: creating a unique symphonic concert show to present the traditional and present culture of Hungary in one show
Task: concept design, music composition, VR concept, arrange, direction, training and performance
Participants: folk singer soloist, violin soloist, violin etno looper, tarogato soloist, cymbalom soloist, Heureka Pop Orchestra, Swing á la Django band, Talamba Percussion Group, The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, contemporary dancers, pop ensemble Irie Maffia and many more…
Venue: House of Music, Hungary (Budapest / HU)
Year: 2023
Shell Global Conference
Customer: Shell Global
Goal: create a special opera concert show for opening the Shell Global Conference in Summer 2023 in Budapest
Brief: creating unique symphonic concert show of best-known opera arias and pop hits with opera singers, dancers and symphonic orchestra. One of the opera performances was presented by Istvan Kapitany Vice-President of Shell
Task: repertoire compilation, arrange, training, performance, organising at international level with UK, Australia, USA and Hungary
Participants: opera singers, Heureka Pop Orchestra, dancers and a Shell Board member
Venue: Hungarian State Opera (Budapest / HU)
Year: 2023

Opera D'amore Tour in Belgium
The Opera D’amore project is an author’s opera show by ASARA, bringing together separate love scenes (duets, arias and overtures), in the most creative way ever imagined.
Join us as the classical opera enters the 21st century with spectacular 3D visual effects and interactive stage décor, showing you an innovative magical performance never seen before in the world of opera.
Here we had the opportunity of being involved with Heureka Pop Orchestra for a 5 stop Tour in Belgium in 2023.
Syoss Fashion Show 2023
Customer: Wonderland Company
Goal: have a special concert show during the entire fashion show
Brief: creating a unique symphonic concert show to present the traditional and present culture of Hungary in one show
Task: concept design, music composition, arrange, direction, training and performance
Participants: Heureka Pop Orchestra, Swing á la Django band, Talamba Percussion Group, DJ…
Venue: UP Event Venue, Hungary (Budapest / HU)
Year: 2023

Erste Bank Sparkasse 200
Customer: Erste Bank
Goal: create a special concert show for a VIP event of the 200th anniversary of Erste Bank - Sparkasse
Brief: creating unique symphonic concertshow exclusively of Austrian & Balkan composers of the last 200 years
Task: repertoire compilation, arrange, training, performance
Participants: pop singers, opera singer, violin soloist, looper band, Swing a la Django pop/folk section, Heureka vocals, Heureka Pop Orchestra
Venue: MÜPA (Budapest / HU)
Year: 2019
Takarékbank VIP event
Customer: Takarékbank
Goal: create a special concert show for the first Christmas VIP partners event after the merge process of the previous 5 years
Brief: creating a special symphonic concertshow that tells the "Takarék" Story.
Task: revision of the existing repertoire, arrange, training, performance
Participants: Honeybeast, Heureka Vocals, Heureka Pop Orchestra
Venue: MÜPA (Budapest / HU)
Year: 2019

Volvo Symphonic show
Customer: Volvo / Special Event
Goal: create a special concert show for a VIP event of presentation of the new XC40 model in Hungary
Brief: creating a special symphonic concert show exclusively for Swedish theme
Task: repertoire compilation, arrange, training, performance
Participants: pop singers, DJ, Swing a la Django pop section, Heureka vocals, Heureka Pop Orchestra, Talamba percussion band
Venue: Bálna (Budapest / HU)
Year: 2018
Filmmusic Concert Show
Customer: Hungarian Touristic Agency / Margitszigeti Open-Air Theater
Goal: a special concert show for an open-air festival
Brief: a special symphonic concert show of popular film soundtracks with video background screening
Task: creative conception, repertoire compilation, arrange, training, performance & video background screening
Participants: mainstream pop singers, pop section, Heureka vocals, Heureka Pop Orchestra, Talamba percussion band
Venue: Margitszigeti Open-Air Theater (Budapest / HU)
Year: 2017

Magashegyi Szimfonik
Customer: Magashegyi Underground
Goal: increasing the band's popularity
Brief: creating a special symphonic concert for one time (at the end it became an annual ritual concert)
Task: revision of the existing repertoire, arrange, training, performance
Participants: Magashegyi Underground, Talamba percussion band, Swing a la Django pop section, Heureka Pop Orchestra
Venue: MÜPA (Budapest / HU) + Central-European Tour
Year: since 2013 / annual
Bagossy Brothers Symphonic
Customer: Bagossy Brothers Company
Goal: increasing the band's popularity
Brief: creating a special symphonic concertshow & special studio recording
Task: revision of the existing repertoire, arrange, training, performance
Participants: Bagossy Brothers Company, Swing a la Django pop section, Heureka Pop Orchestra
Venue: Papp László Sport Aréna (Budapest / HU) + Central-European Tour (8 stop tour)
Year: 2019

Honeybeast SympHoney
Customer: Honeybeast
Goal: increasing the band's popularity, demonstrate diversity and talent
Brief: creating a special symphonic concertshow
Task: revision of the existing repertoire, arrange, training, performance
Participants: Honeybeast, Heureka Vocals, Heureka Pop Orchestra
Venue: Papp LÁszló Sport Aréna (Budapest / HU)
Year: 2018
Spirit of Life
Brief: creating a special crossover concert of world music called "Spirit of Life" in cooperation of a swing/jazz and percussion band.
Participants: Swing a la Django & Talamba percussion band group
Venue: Musikverein (AT), MÜPA (HU)
Year: 2019 / 2018

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